In Bathroom & Laundry
5 Bathroom Trends You Miiiiight Want to Reconsider
Not saying you can’t do these cool things, just be sure to go in Eyes.Wide.Open.
Ways to clean less, make a small space seem bigger, and avoid remodeling regret.
Not saying you can’t do these cool things, just be sure to go in Eyes.Wide.Open.
A toilet that’s missing those annoying, nasty grooves? Sign us up.
There is one paint color you must avoid at all costs (see #5).
The air will smell (much!) sweeter, paint will last longer, and mold will grow slower — or not at all. Now are you ready for a bathroom exhaust fan installation?
Bathroom storage can be awfully tight. Bust it out with these ideas.
When converting your tub to a shower, follow these 6 foolproof tips.