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Embracing the Clover: A Comprehensive Guide to Clover Lawns

A view of a beautiful, green clover lawn with a watering can and a shovel.

It sounds unconventional. Clover was widely considered a weed, after all. But clover lawns have been shaking up the gardening world as a trendy, minimal-care, alternative to grass. Clover is relatively low maintenance, isn’t very thirsty and doesn’t need much mowing. These factors alone make it the lawn of choice for many homeowners. Plus, it tends to be a hardy, year-round lawn option for any season. But before you take the plunge into the world of emerald-green clover, dive into what you need to know to make an informed decision.

What is a Clover Lawn?

A clover lawn is a type of landscaping element that uses clover plants as a ground covering alternative to traditional grass lawns. Clover ground covers will flower and attract pollinators to your yard. Here are a few varieties of clover to consider:

White clover: White clover is a tough perennial that provides everything most homeowners are looking for: a lush green blanket for their yard that doesn’t need much mowing, weeding, or fertilizing. White clover can grow well in cold, rainy conditions with well-drained soil.

Microclover: Some people opt for microclover, which has smaller leaves and grows more slowly than white clover. Microclover was specially cultivated to create a neater ground cover look than regular clover. You may be able to choose from different varieties depending on seed availability.

Red clover: This perennial herb is slightly taller and bushier than white clover. It won’t survive an extremely cold winter, but thrives in a dry or moist climate with well-drained soil. These plants also produce reddish-pink blooms.

Strawberry clover: Strawberry clover has a higher tolerance for salinity than other clover varieties, so it’s ideal for coastal homes. It tolerates short periods of drought and can grow well even in waterlogged soil.

Clover Lawns Pros and Cons

While plenty of homeowners are choosing clover rather than grass, clover lawns have their downsides. Before making a specific landscaping choice, it’s a good idea to learn the pros and cons of clover lawns.

Clover Lawn Pros

Clover lawns offer myriad benefits that make them an appealing alternative to traditional grass lawns. Here are a few:

Clover Lawn Cons

While clover lawns have plenty of perks, they have some drawbacks:

Clover Yard Tips

Love the idea of turning your yard into a gorgeous clover mini-meadow? Here are a few tips to help your clover lawn thrive.

When to Plant Your Clover Lawn

The best time to plant clover is in spring or fall. In the spring, the ground is soft and moist from spring rain. Fall also works because of the cooler conditions, which support clover growth.

How to Start a Clover Lawn

Clover seeds can be cast over existing grass lawns or bare soil and lightly raked into the surface for optimal germination.

Follow these four steps for best results:

  1. Rake and remove debris so seeds can reach the soil.
  2. Sprinkle seeds by hand. (For a new lawn, aim for a seeding rate of one-fourth to one-half pound of clover seed per 1,000 square feet.)
  3. Keep the soil damp in the days following your seeding so the seeds don’t dry out; otherwise they may not germinate.
  4. Water consistently while the plants are still young and sprouting.

Once your clover groundcover is well-established, you won’t have to water it too often (or pay too much attention to it at all!)

Maintaining a Clover Lawn

Once your clover lawn is established, it requires minimal upkeep to look lush and green.

Clover Lawn vs. Grass Lawn

Should you plant a clover lawn instead of standard grass? Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and lifestyle factors. Here are a few more factors to consider:

Combining Clover with Grass

A combination of turfgrass and clover is a great way to get the best of both worlds. A mixture of clover and varieties like tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass can keep your yard looking fresh throughout the winter and prevent soil exposure. Some nurseries sell a ready-made mix of clover and grass seeds. If you can’t find a premix, ask a gardening expert at the nursery about the best grass and clover combination for your yard.

Is a Clover Lawn Right for Me?

A clover lawn can be a trendy and eco-friendly, alternative to the usual grass options. Whether you use it alone or mix it with grass, a clover lawn could change your landscaping and your lifestyle, freeing up time or money you would have spent mowing.

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