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What Should Be in an Emergency Survival Kit?

An emergency preparedness kit with a variety of important items in it like pills, a flashlight, first aid kit, batteries, money, and more.

Recent weather events have made homeowners get serious about having an up-to-date emergency kit. You may be at home without water or power or need to quickly evacuate. Either way, you’ll want to have the supplies you need ready to go. When you pack or update your emergency kit, you’ll need to factor in the type of event you might be dealing with and stock up accordingly. The following advice covers a basic kit as well as extra items you should have for a hurricane or storm surge, a winter storm, or an evacuation.

Basic Emergency Kit

Here are 15 basics recommended by the Red Cross:

Extra Emergency Supplies for a Hurricane or Storm Surge

Here are extra supplies and actions to take before a hurricane or a storm surge:

Extra Emergency Supplies for a Winter Storm

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends having these items on hand, especially if you want to prepare for being at home several days without power. This list includes items in addition to those listed in the basic kit.

Extra Emergency Supplies and Guidelines for an Evacuation

Here are guidelines and items beyond the basics in case you need to evacuate.

Keep copies of important papers in a plastic, waterproof case. FYI, this stuff is priceless, because you may need to prove who you are and that you own your house. Note that FEMA is now accepting more ways to verify home occupancy or ownership before providing certain types of assistance.

In addition to the documents listed for the basic emergency kit, Include:

Take these ongoing or preliminary precautions as well:

Emergency Kit Storage Locations

Since you can’t predict where you’ll be during an emergency, it’s essential to have a well-prepared home kit:

Emergency Kit Maintenance

Update your kit as your needs change, and replace food and water approaching its expiration date. You might pick a specific time each year to check, such as before hurricane season in the south or after Thanksgiving if you live in the north.

Once you’ve put your kit together, it’s important to keep it in good condition so it’s available when necessary:

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